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To Tell or Not to Tell is the third episode of the third season of Babar.


Babar and Celeste are going through some items on what to keep and what to sell, while there some of great value, some of which Celeste questions. Pom and Alexander accidentally break a statue even after their told not to play ball in the house, they hide it in their old wardrobe where their dad tells him it's going to the dump, they thought at first that their already knows about the evidence but they don't, they ask their parents if they could watch Isabelle for them while they're at Flora's ballet recital due to the babysitter unable to attend, so with the statue broken, they have 2 responsibilities where they must look after Isabelle and get the statue fixed. Unfortunately Isabelle keeps making a mess or causing mischief in the palace so Pom and Alexander clean her and get her to bed. After finding out how much the statue will cost to fix they become concerned, eventually Isabelle comes out and plays some more. Fed up with their sister's mischief they tell her to go to bed. Unfortunately, later on, they think Isabelle is taken away to the dump along with the wardrobe and the statue after playing hide and seek which they thought could've been why she's missing, it's up to them to jump on their bike to go after her seeing if she's there, but all they run into is a tough guard hog that chases them around the dump, but Alexander gets mad telling him off that they just lost their sister and he's not helping, but when they get home, they tell Babar what happened and suddenly find Isabelle in her room, which made them go all the way to the dump for nothing.



  • Alexander wears his white shirt blue design around his neck, usually his sleeves are the only thing that's blue while his whole shirt is white.
  • Pom and Alexander find a warthog at the dump that chases them around, it could've been the same warthog Babar had when he was a kid in An Elephant's Best Friend. In addition warthogs wouldn't really ever be found at the dump, bears would though.